May 27, 2018 — ASCH cross-chain technology conference will be held grandly.

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3 min readMay 11, 2018

After nine months of hard research and development, ASCH has officially completed the close beta test of cross-chain communication with Bitcoin. This move marks ASCH’s cross-chain technology being the first to break away from the concept phase, which has become the industry leader. The cross-chain success symbolizes ASCH’s shift from a closed ecology to an open ecology and begins the exchange of values with other chains. It is also another major technological breakthrough after the successful launch of ASCH’s main network.

This conference is the first offline conference held since the establishment of ASCH. Its heavyweight deserves special attention:

• The team is well-prepared for the selection of venues in Beijing’s Chaoyang District, the well-known “Lido Business Circle” — Crowne Plaza Beijing Lido;

• Many well-known guests in the industry will be invited, accumulating more than 100 members, most of whom are supporters of ASCH chain

• All the team members will be present and the core members of the technology will share the principle and follow-up plans of ASCH cross-chain technology.

One of the most important moments in ASCH’s history, we sincerely invite everyone to witness it!

Conference theme: ASCH cross-chain technology conference

Conference time: 14:00–16:30, May 27, 2018.

Venue: The 2nd Floor, Crowne Plaza Beijing Lido

Organizer: Beijing ASCH Chain Technology Co., Ltd.

Co-organizer: Yuejia Fund, Hash Alliance

Strategic cooperation media: BiShiJie, Coin Time, Hash headline, Token headline, Chainhoo, Fendouzhiyuan Media

Conference process

13:30–14:00 Check-in

14:00–14:10 Guests Introduction

14:10–14:20 Speech by Shan Qingfeng, the founder of ASCH chain

14:20–14:30 Speech by Qian Hantao, the CTO of ASCH chain, “The technical architecture of the ASCH platform”

14:30–14:40 Lucky Draw

14:40–14:50 Speech by Liang Peili, a senior engineer of ASCH chain, “The analysis of cross-chain technology of the ASCH platform”

14:50–15:15 Speech by Shan Qingfeng, the founder of ASCH chain, “The development history and future planning of ASCH chain”

15:15–15:45 Round Table Conference on Application Prospect of Cross-Chain Technology

15:45–15:55 ASCH Cross-Chain Technology Launching Ceremony

15:55–16:00 End of the conference

16:00–16:30 Media Interview

Venue photos

About ASCH

As a leading new generation blockchain innovation development platform based on side-chain architecture, ASCH has greatly reduced the threshold of the blockchain technology industry. ASCH platform adopts the technology architecture based on multi-chain + cross-chain technology. It is efficient, flexible, safe, low-cost and reused through an efficient, non-bifurcated consensus mechanism and a highly easy-to-use SDK (similar to the difficulty of traditional application development).

ASCH hopes to become the cornerstone of the future token economy, which is not only a world-class high-performance blockchain application development platform, but also an underlying foundation for carrying world-class economies.

Industry-level grand conference, May 27, 2018, welcomes you!

