Quiz Day challenge! How much do you know about ASCH?

Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2018

Dear ASCH community, we are excited to announce that we are holding a Quiz Day challenge activity! How much do you know about ASCH? Let’s find out! No worries if you are new to ASCH, you will definitely learn a lot about ASCH after the two weeks long Quiz challenge!

Quiz Day Rules:

  1. Date:1st Oct. 2018–13th Oct. 2018
  2. Three Quiz Days every week: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays.
  3. Three questions on each Quiz Day
  4. Admins will announce the three questions in the English Telegram group on Quiz Day. Those who answer the questions quickly and correctly can enter the winning pool.
  5. 3 winners will be chosen randomly from the winning pool for each Quiz Day.
  6. The reward is 20XAS for each winner.

Join ASCH English Telegram now: https://t.me/Asch_En

By the way, we are holding a meetup in San Francisco tonight! Come and join us if you are around the Bay Area!


Join ASCH Community:

Telegram Groups:

English (main group): https://t.me/Asch_En
中文 (Chinese):https://t.me/Asch_Zh
Русский (Russian): https://t.me/Asch_Ru
Türkçe (Turkish) :https://t.me/Asch_TR
Việt Nam (Vietnamese): https://t.me/Asch_Vn
Українська (Ukrainian): https://t.me/Asch_UA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AschPlatform

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Asch_Platform/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AschHQ/

Github: https://github.com/AschPlatform

Gitter Chatroom for Devs: https://gitter.im/asch-development

BBS: https://bbs.asch.io/

