Weekly Report (4th Aug — 10th Aug)

Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2018

Technical Updates:


  • Fixed the display error of delegate list on client
  • Fixed client v2 interface for receiving block information display
  • Adjusted text display of client v2 blocks interface
  • Finished v1.4 local multi-node environment testing
  • Optimized v1 interface compatibility. Exchanges v1 interface adaption test has passed
  • Optimized P2P protocol for block sync
  • ASCH v1.4.2 released

Mobile Wallet

  • iOS wallet ‘My Account’ section 90% finishe
  • iOS wallet ‘Asset Management’ 60% finished
  • Android wallet v1.4.0 released

Block Explorer

  • Home page data display and search function are finished for Light version
  • Detail page (shows block height, transaction ID, address, etc.) is finished for light version
  • Started private beta

Marketing and Operation Updates

  • On 8th Aug, ASCH SVP Daping Kuai visited Xiong’an New Area, the so-called ‘city of the future’ of China. Daping communicated with top managers from Xiong’an government and major corporations, including Jie Zhang, the director of China Xiong’an Group Company, Qinghai Meng, director of Xiong’an Department of Law Enforcement, etc. They discussed the potential implementation of blockchain technology in Xiong’an’s development, and the possibility of open a branch office in Xiong’an.
  • On 4th and 5th of Aug, ASCH team had meetups in Fuzhou and Xiamen. Together with the ASCH sponsered event “ChainClub Tour 2018”, ASCH fans are getting better connection with ASCH team and know more of ASCH’s recent development.
  • On 7th Aug, ASCH was invited to and co-organized the ‘China Blockchain Media Social Responsibility Forum’ held by China Economy Media Association.
  • ASCH founded global Core Community, currently consists of loyal ASCH believers that have followed ASCH for a long time, and the Core Community will contribute to give ideas and suggestions for ASCH global growth. ASCH social media bounty program will begin in few days, the bounty pool is 21000 XAS. https://asch.bounty.global
  • ASCH co-sponsored ASEAN Consensus — Blockchain Ecosystem Forum will be held on 30th Aug.. Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, Somkid, will attend this forum, and this event gained great attention form government of Thailand, Burma and Cambodia.
  • On 18th Aug,ASCH Mainnet 2nd Anniversary Party will be held in Beijing VCplay. On the occasion, announcements will be made regarding ASCH ecosystem fund and DApp competition program. ‘Say Happy Birthday to ASCH’ video campaign has started, submit your video and obtain a chance to win 10 XAS to 166 XAS. Click here for more details.

