Weekly Report (8th Sep — 14th Sep)

Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2018

Technical Updates


- Debug ETH smart contracts

- Completed the detailed interactive process design of the smart contract

- Fixed the bug of selecting account address in version 1.4

- Fixed the bug of the delegate account in block display in version 1.4

- Completed the refinement of key object design, interface design, state management, and interaction with the main chain of the smart contract

Block Explorer

- The first round of block explorer test was completed, and a total of 72 questions were feedback

- The feedback problems in the test were fixed by 95%, of which 20% are waiting for regression test

- Access new node data and prepare to enter the second round of formal environmental data testing.

Mobile Wallet

- The first round of fixing bugs in the test of iOS wallet was completed by 60%

- The inner-chain asset page and transfer page of Android wallet were re-modified

- The code for secondary password and saving password of Android wallet account was optimized

- The bugs in refactor version of Android wallet account were fixed, waiting for regression test


- Support for third-party DApp development

- Support for third-party DApp providers docking

Marketing and Operations Updates

  • ASCH and Fanwe reach a deep strategic cooperation. Recently, ASCH has cooperated with Fanwe (www.fanwe.com) and reached a deep strategic cooperation, involving blockchain + industrial services, blockchain solutions, financial services Fields, etc. The two sides will strengthen the alliance to promote new technology innovation and application, jointly incubate more high-quality DApps, promote the implementation of blockchain applications, and strive to create a comprehensive blockchain ecosystem.
  • ASCH Ukrainian telegram group has been formally established this week (https://t.me/Asch_UA). Papa Jou in the global ASCH community initiated the proposal to form a Ukrainian telegram group, which was supported by other Ukrainian members. ASCH telegram groups are currently available in 6 languages, thanks to community volunteers for their support and contributions to the ASCH community!

Chinese group: https://t.me/Asch_Zh

English group: https://t.me/Asch_En

Russian group: https://t.me/Asch_Ru

Turkish group: https://t.me/Asch_Tr

Vietnamese group: https://t.me/Asch_Vn

Ukrainian group: https://t.me/Asch_UA

If you are interested in becoming a group admin, you can contact @MingMing_ASCH in the telegram group.

  • This week, ASCH Co-founder James Kuai went to Shanghai to participate in the 4th Global Blockchain Summit. From September 11th to September 12th, Shanghai International Blockchain Week — The 4th Global Blockchain Summit 2018 was held at W Shanghai-The Bund. The summit invited industry elites like Lihui Li, former president of the Bank of China, Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, Jihan Wu, CEO and Co-founder of BITMAIN, and Henry Ma, vice president and chief information officer of WeBank, to share the cases, aiming to explore technology, return to the original intention, and face up to the true technical value of the blockchain.
  • ASCH and Coinbucks (https://www.coinbucks.top) reach a strategic cooperation. Recently, ASCH and Coinbucks reach a strategic cooperation with the aim of promoting the global promotion of ASCH and jointly creating the underlying ecology of the global blockchain. Coinbucks is a company that provides global resource integration and consulting services for blockchain projects and blockchain users. It has an online platform with support for 8 languages including Chinese, Chinese (Traditional), English, Japanese, Korean, French and Spanish. It provides comprehensive resource integration and consulting services for promising blockchain projects and traditional technology companies through the layout of blockchain projects in various vertical domains at home and abroad.

Be Part of ASCH:


- English: https://t.me/Asch_En
- 中文(Chinese):https://t.me/Asch_Zh
- Русский (Russian): https://t.me/Asch_Ru
- Türkçe (Turkish) :https://t.me/Asch_TR
- Việt Nam (Vietnamese): https://t.me/Asch_Vn

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AschPlatform

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Asch_Platform/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AschHQ/

Github: https://github.com/AschPlatform

Gitter Chatroom for Devs: https://gitter.im/asch-development

BBS: https://bbs.asch.io/

Donate XAS: ACXTKbyZtEN4FZfC1dHZ6fYVCu2bA5H3Qg

Donation are used for rewarding ASCH community workers and promotion.

