Weekly Report (Oct 27–Nov 02)

Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2018

Weekly Report in different languages:

Technical Updates

ASCH Mainnet

  • Achieved the restriction that a large bancor transaction cannot exceed the 1% of the total amount.
  • Resolved the issue in large margin simulation calculation.
  • Implemented the initialization of bancor with real-time transaction data
  • Completed test verification of bancor algorithm.
  • Fixed the bug of gateway and bancor exchange.
  • Optimized the logical judgment module of the application page to be a gateway candidate.
  • Improved the logic function of searching smart contracts.
  • Improved the top-up logic and fixed the bug caused by the top-up module.

Mobile Wallet

  • Completed refactoring asset issuing module of the iOS wallet and submitted it to test.
  • Completed the development of auto-upgrade module of the iOS wallet.
  • Testing the Android wallet V1.4.5.
  • Completed the auto-update function of the Android wallet and the registered assets interface.


  • Technical support for exchanges.
  • Technical support for DApp party.

Marketing and Operations Updates

  • On October 27th, the DP Rating updated the rating report about ASCH. DPRating is the world’s leading agency in rating blockchain investability. Established in May, 2017, it was the first to publicly release multiple quantitative rating models. Based on this, it has 日released in-depth, objective and neutral rating reports for nearly 100 projects, which are highly acclaimed. View rating report: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU3OTcyMDIxNg==&mid=2247483814&idx=1&sn=3433fa8880d8461518c054060f72bc36&chksm=fd6084d1ca170dc7d0389e0764394d0cb5567521b325ff31a134597f4e6696a7bbbd3d229aaa&token=506706785&lang=zh_CN&scene=21#wechat_redirect
  • At 18:00 pm on October 31, James Kuai, Co-Founder of ASCH, conducted an interactive live broadcast. He communicated with everyone face to face and personally answered the issues most concerned by the ASCH community members. Link: http:t.cn/EwiOQ3b
  • This week, ASCH has officially resided in LinkBox. LinkBox is a media focused on the primary market, mainly for in-depth original reports. Its main business includes: blockchain quality project report, blockchain project roadshow, blockchain industry database, and blockchain investment and financing docking. https://www.linkbox.vip/prolibrary/detail/?id=876
  • The Trivia Quiz event in the Vietnamese community has been successfully held for two weeks! During the event, the activity rate of the Vietnamese Telegram Group was greatly enhanced, and the Vietnamese community got a deeper understanding of ASCH through 20 weekly questions about ASCH. Below are the winners of the past two weeks, and the awards will be issued during the following week.

Be part of ASCH:

Telegram Groups:

English (main group): https://t.me/Asch_En
中文 (Chinese):https://t.me/Asch_Zh
Русский (Russian): https://t.me/Asch_Ru
Türkçe (Turkish) :https://t.me/Asch_TR
Việt Nam (Vietnamese): https://t.me/Asch_Vn
Українська (Ukrainian): https://t.me/Asch_UA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AschPlatform

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Asch_Platform/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AschHQ/

Github: https://github.com/AschPlatform

Gitter Chatroom for Devs: https://gitter.im/asch-development

BBS: https://bbs.asch.io/

