ASCL Annual Meeting Set for Oct. 15–17 in Boston

Richard Kay
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2020

SAVE THE DATE. ASCL Vice President and Annual Program Committee Chair, Maximo Langer, has announced that the ASCL 2020 Annual Meeting will be hosted at Boston University School of Law, Thursday, Oct. 15, to Saturday, Oct. 17, 2020. The theme of the 2020 Meeting will be “Comparative Legal History”. As in recent years, concurrent panels will be open to any comparative law topic. A call for concurrent panels and papers proposals will be distributed this month. The Society’s annual business meeting will take place on Saturday morning, October 17.

Vice President Langer also announced that this year the Younger Comparativist Committee’s 2020 Conference would be coordinated with the main ASCL meeting. The YCC’s first sessions will occur on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020, (before the start of the ASCL meeting) at Northeastern University School of Law in Boston. They will conclude on Saturday, Oct. 17 (at the end of the ASCL meeting) at Boston University. Langer expected this scheduling to create synergies between the two events, bring new people to the ASCL Meeting, and provide support to the work of younger comparativists.

Logistical information about these events will be made available in the coming months.

