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Holistic Health Stewardship

M.T. Bennett
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2020


“I cannot take that pill,” she said,
“It makes me woozy,
It hurts my head!”
Between her protesting cries
I ask if she’ll be immunized.
She balks that I would be so bold
And fixes me with eyes turned cold,
“You cannot stick my arm today,
The flu shot makes me sick I say!
These treatments have bad side-effects,
I’ve read up on the internet,
Effects that I don’t want to get!”

I’m glad you wish to be well read,
And fill with facts your worried head.
This vigilance is really neat…
Do you do the same with what you eat?
Your sugars have gone much too high
Soon you’ll lose vision in your eye
And your feet may develop a sore
That’ll fester, rot, and heal no more.
You sit all day on your backside,
And consequently, grow more wide.
The extra weight that you now carry
Puts undue pressure on your knee.
Your blood has high triglyceride
And without care you just might die!



M.T. Bennett
Asclepian Pen

Dad and medical professional who loves to write in his "free" time. Bennett is the author of “Dark and Bright: Poetry and Prose”. @BennettEmpty