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How to Submit to Asclepian Pen

Asclepian Pen
Asclepian Pen
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2020


Thank you for your interest in Asclepian Pen! We hope to provide a wonderful place where your writing can be shared. It can be frustrating to try to figure out how to submit to a publication so we hope that this will adequately express how and what to share with us.

What We Are Looking For

Asclepian Pen was born when a couple med students discovered a dearth of publications with a medical lens. We want writing with a medical tint to it. What this means is we want something that is ANY ONE (not necessarily all) of the following:

  1. Written by a person working in medicine. You can be a physician, nurse, student, therapist, etc. We want to provide a place for medical workers to publish any and all material. It can be a poem, fiction, non-fiction, opinion etc. Our hobbies make us well rounded individuals and many medical workers like to get a break from medicine by writing about anything BUT medicine. It doesn’t matter what you write, as long as you work in medicine you have a place here to share your work.
  2. Written by a person who doesn't work in medicine but has something about the medical field to share. Maybe you are a patient and want to share about your experience. Maybe you have thoughts on the shortcomings or successes of modern medicine. If you don’t work in medicine we ask that your article has a medical application.
  3. While both of the above are welcome the best kind of articles are from medical professionals who are writing about medicine.

How to Submit

There are two different ways to submit.

  1. If you are already a writer on Medium you can send us a draft link of your article to We will review your work and hopefully add you as a writer on Asclepian Pen. You will then be able to submit the article to the publication on Medium and we will publish it. Once you’re added as a writer you can submit future articles the same way.
  2. If you don’t have a Medium profile you can email us a draft of your manuscript at We will go over your manuscript and let you know if it has been accepted. If it is accepted we will publish it via our Asclepian Pen profile and credit your name as author. Please provide a short author bio since you won’t have a Medium profile with that information.

If you aren’t familiar with Medium we suggest making a profile and learning how to use it. Medium is a great publishing platform. If you submit via your Medium profile you can make your article part of the Medium Partner Program and possibly earn a few cents.

If you just don’t want to deal with the headache of making a Medium profile you can still do option #2 above. We will publish the article with our Asclepian Pen profile with you as the author. We won’t make it part of the Medium Partner Program so be assured we aren’t making any money off of your hard work. That isn’t our purpose. We just want to create a good place to share medical focused writing.

Hearing Back

Response time may vary. We hope to respond quickly but we are just two medical students. If you haven’t heard back in three weeks please feel free to email us again inquiring about your article.

Thank you! We look forward to reading your work.

