2K Articles … And My Little Scratchpad of Learning


I used to write books, and it was a lengthy process.

For this, I would go to libraries (yes, physical ones) and/or bookshops, and get every book I could on a subject. I would then read everything there was about the topic and would write my viewpoints in a book. Once published, it was typically out-of-date at the date of publishing.

And so the Internet came along, and like most people, I am now immersed in it. I read my books and research papers on my iPad, and I code in the Cloud. But, I still have all the doodles on my Letts calendar to show my learning:

From LinkedIn to Medium

A few years ago, I settled on Medium as a place to publish my thoughts. Generally, it is just a diary of my thoughts, and where I just document a significant event that I will possibly go back to, and remember why it was so significant. But basically, it is just me learning something, and trying to lay it out in a way that others can understand, and is my scratchpad place to pass on some knowledge to others.

I used to use LinkedIn, but it is poor in the layout of articles. The main move away…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.