A Major Backdoor in WhatsApp!


What if someone analysed your phone?

They would find out all your contacts, all of your friends and enemies, all of your calls, all of your locations, all of your browser history, … in fact, virtually everything about you!

And what if they then controlled your phone?

They could pretend to be you, they could send messages from you, they could listen in on your conversations, they could send emails from you, they could read your text messages and even delete them, they could reset all your passwords without you knowing about it … they would know and control virtually everything in your life.

If WannaCry was a wake-up call to the world, then a new vulnerability in WhatsApp shows how we could all be held to ransom from malicious agents — and where you clicking on an SMS link could compromise your device. But what it you didn’t have to click on a link, and the “back-door” into your phone just happened without you doing anything? For this Facebook have announced that they have just patched a major vulnerability in WhatsApp, and which had been exploited by “an advanced cyber actor” to target various users of its application.

The attack is thought to have used software created by the NSO Group — an Israeli security company — and involves calling a number on WhatsApp on either Apple iOS or Android…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.