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A Tale of Two Clouds


My bill for Azure and AWS has started to creep up, so I did a bit of hunt the services and try to trample them. For AWS, it was all fine, and, in fact, AWS makes it easy to know exactly where your costs are. But for Azure, I just kept clicking on fancy pie charts, and which told me nothing. With AWS, I was always just a click away from showing it all in plain English and where there were so many useful on-line resources for explaining the costs, but where Azure just kept throwing charts in my way. I often, too, had to re-login to the Azure system.

And in Azure, you consistently see those three moving dots ‘…’ where it is processing something, and which never appear in AWS. Perhaps it goes to show that there’s a whole lot of different background services that have to kick-in, that AWS has just integrated into one consistent platform?

I am so sorry Microsoft, but compared to AWS, the Azure infrastructure is just a sensory/jargon overload experience, where it is difficult to know where you are, what you doing, and how much the whole thing costs. Azure just wants to push everything it can to the user, and where very little is obvious. It needs the eye of Steve Jobs, to identify what is important, and how to create a consistent interface.

I really think Microsoft has scaled their Windows environment into the Cloud, and have forgotten that most people just want…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.