And Where Does Your Company Do Its Market/Cyber/Brand Analysis?

Forget Twitter, The Future of Open Data Analysis … Reddit


At one time you would have a whole team of people who cut out newspaper snippets for your company, and then distribute them around the company. But, as Bob Dylan would say, “Times Have Changed!”. The usage of Big Data is now at the heart of driving companies forward. It gives them the heartbeat of the how their company is being perceived. What worries our customers? How dislikes us? Why do they like us? How is our brand perceived? At one time, a company would pay a marketing agency to do this, and they would happily go out and survey some customers … “84% of customers prefer cat food to dog food (based on a survey of 83 people)”. But not any more. One of the easiest sells for an organisation is to buy a SIEM solution, as the data can be used for security analytics, marketing, sales, and so on. “How many people with iPhone’s visit our site?”, “When our customers from Japan visiting our site”, “Did that promotion we ran, increase Web activity and sales?”. This is the Splunk approach … mine the data and then use it in whatever way you want.

But that is closed sourced data. The world has so much more, and it’s open. And so open source intelligence (OSINT) is grabbing the world in its ability to use the data for both…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.