Apple, Innovation and Steve’s Museum


I’m a heavy Apple user and an extensive computer user. I just want computers to help me with my work, and not get in the way. I should turn them on, and created code, and it should all work without worrying about stuck keys, system crashes, or corrupt installs. My ecosystem of devides normally involves the creation of code, and the Apple environment allows me the best environment to do this.

Apart from the disastrous Macbook Pro with the butterfly keyboard, all of my devices have been reliable, and great to use. All my devices integrate well together — with my Macbook Pro at the core of this. For security, I don’t hop from one vendor to another, Apple makes it all work in the background. When I need to move to a new device, it’s a short hop, but it’s all back up and running as it was before.

Bad innovation and poor UX

A few years ago I was having lots of problems with the butterfly keyboard, continual fan wirring, and with the lack of ports. My Macbook even developed a serious fault — with large purple blocks appearing on the screen. It was a terrible computer, and completely different to any Macbook I had had in the past. Someone, somewhere…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.