Back on the Cybersecurity Demo Road …


Well, that was a strange three years. The last major hands-on demonstration I gave at a live event was at 9 Nov 2019 [here]:

And, so, I put all my kit into cold storage, but it’s back out again, and all ready to engage with others on the risks of IoT and how poor devices are often setup for cybersecurity:

Here is the code:

and a few examples:

  • Access the Wi-fi kettle. Go. This page outlines how to access a wi-fi enabled kettle.
  • Philips Hue Wireless Lighting. Go. This page shows how to use RESTful Web services to access to the Hue Led Lamps.
  • Kali and R-PI. Go. This page shows the setup of a security testing infrastructure using a Raspberry Pi (R-PI) and a wifi access point.
  • Kali, R-PI and RF electrical socket. Go. This page shows the control of an RF electrical socket from an RPI.
  • Capture from a Polar H10 heart rate sensor. Go. This page shows the capture of the Polar H10 heart sensor with an Ubertooth One.

Along with the way, I’ve acquired a “smart” vacuum cleaner that talks back to me:

And a cat feeder that likes to broadcast its video to the Internet:

And a smart kettle that just loves remote connections:

And all driven by my humble R-PI:

If you have time, please come along to our next event:



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.