Co-founder of Ethereum to Present at Blockchain, Identity and Cryptography Conference


Mihai Alisie

Over the next year or so we aim to invite some of the best technology people in the world to our lab in Edinburgh (Blockpass ID Lab) in order to share their ideas on their future vision.

Last week it was Bruce Schneier and Andreas M. Antonopoulos, and in September we host Mihai Alisie and who is the co-founder of Ethereum and Bitcoin Magazine and Founder of Akasha. He will present at the 2nd International Conference on Blockchain, Identity and Cryptography.

Mihai first stepped into blockchain in 2011 when he teamed up with Vitalik Buterin to create the world’s first Bitcoin publication — Bitcoin Magazine. Then, in 2013, he again teamed up with Vitalik to create Ethereum. He progressed to become the Strategic Manager and Vice-President of the Ethereum Foundation. Since then he had focused on AKASHA:

Driven by passion and inspired by “what ifs” we explore the applications and implications of a permanent web in the context of social networks, freedom of expression, creative perpetuity, and privacy for a better Internet in service of humanity.

The City of Edinburgh showed the world how to think in an enlightened way, so we hope to enable new debate around our future world. You can pre-register for the conference here:

If you want to come and present in the beautiful and cultured city of Edinburgh, please contact us.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.