Crack Light-weight Crypto … Just By Listening To The Power Supply


Here is Dr Owen Lo outlining the cracking of the PRESENT light-weight cryptography method through a side-channel attack on the electrical power supply (and which involves a collaboration with Keysight):


Some quotes say that we will be now moving to over 95% encrypted traffic on the Internet within the next few years. Basically, the drive is mainly due to Google marking sites that do not have SSL/TLS as insecure. And so, too, we see the next generation of devices, which can the size of a speck of dust. For them, the requirements for our typical block-based encryption methods, such as AES, are just not possible. Along with this, the memory requirements and the number of transistors required to implement the methods is just not feasible on resource-limited devices.

This results in a split in the cryptography methods that we use:

  • Conventional cryptography. Servers and Desktops; Tablets and smart phones.
  • Lightweight cryptography. Embedded Systems; RFID and Sensor Networks.

IoT = Simple systems



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.