Cyber-Harm and Who Would Want to Be A CSO/CIO?


How much can a data breach cost? Well, for Uber it was around $21 billion and also cost the CSO his job. For Equifax, it is at least $1.6 billion.


In order to understand the effect of a cyber incident, it is important to understand its impact and the harm done. Within the Sony hack of 2015, the company had to cope with both reputational damage, and also with the psychology damage of the leaking of millions of documents and 100s of thousands of emails from senior executives within the company. Agrafiotis et al [1] defines a taxonomy for understanding harm and which is outlined in Figure 1. This defines a number of main categories and the subtypes of harm:

  • Psychological harm. This might related to the mental health issues that is caused from the incident. This can relate to both internal staff who have to cope with the incident, or on those who have been targeted. The effect of a hack on the personal finance of a customer, for example, can have serious implications, and in the most extreme cases could lead to suicide. This can relate to the general issues that are caused within society around an incident. The Cambridge Analytica scandal caused widespread concern around the way that social media companies generally handle personal data, and the consent levels that are applied. Key emotions that…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.