Dial Z for Crypto — Encrypt 100% of Everything, 100% of the Time


Remember when IBM did computers? Well they still do!

With the requirement for encryption around GDPR coming up, and companies looking to re-engineer their systems with data protection at the core, IBM has identified the need for computing power which handles large-scale encryption. The challenge of crypto processing is thus driving forward computing power, and it is data protection (and crypto cracking) which is driving it.

And so IBM have just released their Z series mainframe with encryption processing build in at its core. Overall IBM now has over 90% of the mainframe market (currently valued at $3.5 billion), and if you’re interested in buying one, the most basic system costs half a million dollars.

While disk (at risk) and network traffic (in motion) have increasingly been moving toward encryption, there is still a problem within memory (in process), thus many systems too are moving toward encryption within memory. Intel, for example, have built it into the new Xeon Scalable devices.

Their new slogan:

encrypt 100% of everything, 100% of the time

The success of IBM to survive over 100 years, and still produce some of the most innovative systems is a story of a company who led the industry for long time periods in the development of mainframes and PCs, but decided to leave them when others muscled-in on their core markets.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.