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EBSI — The Grand Data Vision: Building Bridges and Not Walls


I am a strong believer in breaking down the barriers which seperate us. In the end, we have more that bind us together than seperate us.

Our next generation, too, should hopefully grow up in a world where there are few barriers in place and where they can thrive, and build the industries and societies of our future. These new societies will have little respect for the ancient barriers that we have been falsely placed over the centuries.

Putting the citizen at the centre

And, although the UK is not currently a member of the EU, I strongly believe in creating a world which allows frictionless trade by nations, and, in the free movement of people. So how can academia help support building a world which fit for our next generation and that is focused not our old ways, but building things around the citizen?

Well, we have been striving for over a decade to build data and trust infrastructures which respect the rights of the citizen. In fact, in partnership with Blockpass, we created the first research lab which was focused on digital identity. Along the way, too, we created an amazing spin-out company (Symphonic), and which were so successful, that they were recently aquired by Ping Identity. And, at our heart, our focus has always been around the…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.