Eve The Magician Breaks The Most Secure Encryption on The Planet — 256-bit AES


[These articles are a bit of fun, and only meant to showcase some flaws with cryptography .. in this case, the problem of EBC — Electronic Code Book]

So Eve has managed to crack RSA three times [Trick 1][Trick 2][Trick 3], and the audience is demanding more.

Eve says “Thank you, but the tricks would not be possible without one person … John Napier … so please give a round of applause to the great man!”.

Waves of applause for John Napier, and followed by cries of “We want more! We want more!”

Eve says, “You want more? Well, normally I get at least $500K for each of these tricks from the NSA!”

A couple of guys with red faces, and dressed in black suits, at the back of the hall, touch their ears and talk into their sleeves, and quickly leave.

Eve says, “Now … I’m going to crack the most secure encryption method on the planet …

256-bit AES!

Audible gasps, and even some mock faints from the crowd of computer scientists.

With Bob, Alice, and the rest of the crypto team all sitting in the front row. Eve tells them to “Could the whole of the front row come up on stage. Let’s hear it for Bob, Alice, Trent, Mallory…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.