Everything You Want To Know About AES, But Were Afraid To Ask …


The workhorse of the cybersecurity industry is AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and which is used to encrypt and decrypt data. The method comes from the winner of a NIST competition in 2001, and was previously known as the Rijndael (“Rain Dahl”) cipher.

AES is a symmetric key method, and where Bob and Alice have the same encryption key. In the following, Bob and Alice share an encryption key, and where Bob converts his plaintext into ciphertext, and then Alice converts the ciphertext back into plaintext using a shared secret key:

The problem with this setup is that the same plaintext will always result in the same ciphertext, so we typically add salt into the encryption process. We also need a way for Bob and Alice to generate the same secret key. This is either typically done through a key exchange method (such as with the Diffie-Hellman method) or by a KDF (Key Derivation Function). One of the most popular KDFs is PBKDF2 and which allows a password to be converted into an encryption key of a defined size:



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.