For Control of the Internet, It’s Bots v Humans: Solving CAPTCHAs In a Credible and Secret Way

Don’t you find that CAPCHAs are annoying and are just ways of tracking you?


A demo of the method I will present is [here].

There are some companies that I respect for the approach to privacy, and they aren’t Facebook, Google and Twitter. We thus need to turn to a company like Cloudflare for investing in privacy-preserving methods, and in their general leadership in driving forward improvements in security. There will be no Australian backdoor protocols for Clouldflare, as they have generally put the right of the citizen to privacy at the heart of their work.

With the Tor network, privacy is seen as the core attribute. But what happens when a user is faced with a CAPTCHA challenge? Well Tor users use the VOPRF (Verifiable Oblivious Pseudo-Random Function) method to bypass these, and thus preserve a user’s privacy. Within this system the client (C) connects to an edge server (E) with content. The server then sends a CAPTCHA challenge to the client, and if they solve it, E sends back n blinded values (tokens) which can be used in the future for the same site. When the client reconnects, it will use one of the previously generated values to re-authenicate (and without the user being faced…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.