Goodbye (Mostly) to Moodle: Hello Open, And Goodbye to Closed


The old saying goes … “Knowledge is Power!” But, as Nelson Mandela said, “Education is one of the most powerful things that we have to change the World" … for people to achieve their full potential … to free people from poverty to enable people to take control of their lives … to enable debate and to understand different viewpoints … to see the world in different ways and to ask questions on how we can improve things.

So why do we still hide our knowledge within systems that feel like they have been created in the 1990s? A whole new open source world is evolving, and providing new ways for people to access educational material.

Teaching should be all about content, and the platform and medium by which this is delivered should matter little. Some of us like to read books to learn, some read from PDFs, and others like to learn from video. And so we need platforms that can deliver content in a way that supports the learner.

My style is to produce the content in many different formats and make it all open source. I see no advantage of hiding content away within restricted areas, and then provided by local resources. The Cloud now provides us with new ways to provide the medium, and it is a platform that enables learning from every device and every part of the world. And so I have always…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.