Happy Birthday, Linux


In my work environment, I have managed to get rid of Microsoft Windows in virtually everything I do. I have it on my main site — but that is just a host for my Web content.

With Windows, I just don’t like it, and realise that I have never really liked it that much. I’ve seen every version, and it just doesn’t do what I want it to do. It has always been horrible in installing programs, and it has — I think — a clunky user interface. Also it has never really embraced the command line (and often tries to hide it). Why can’t I chance the network adaptor settings, without going into a GUI? Why don’t I have a proper “find” command for searching for things? With Windows, they just want everything to be a GUI!

For me, I have Mac OSX, and where I often drop into a terminal for Linux-type commands to run my Python and Go scripts. The best thing for me was migrating my Visual Studio from my Windows VM into Mac OSX, and it works a treat. In fact, my battery loves the move, and where I often watched as the Visual Studio in a Windows VM would often drain a whole battery in less than an hour. My last application I needed in Windows was Visio, and I still love it, I have forced myself to use Lucid charts. And if I want Windows, I just power up VMWare, or go to the Cloud.

I remember giving a Xmas lecture for schools, and just before I was to give my presentation, a…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.