How Do Pirates Share a Treasure Map, If They Don’t Trust Each Other?

Pirates don’t trust each other


Ah-har! Jim lad! Shiver me timbers! Where be the treasure? Ah just don’t trust me fellow pirates!

If there’s one thing that pirates learn at Pirate School is that they should never trust other pirates, so the problem they often have is how to share a secret treasure map.

So let’s say we have we have two pirates and they need to define the route to get to the buried treasure. Now they think back to Pirate School and remember that they should each put down a marker, along the route, so that both markers are in a line from the start point to the treasure. They can then get together and put their marker down in each place, and then they follow the route and find the treasure. This works with more pirates, but now only two pirates are needed to get together to reveal the treasure.

As we know being a pirate is a risky business, and they might not make it back to the treasure island. So let’s say we now set up a Pirate’s Co-op, where the pirates share their booty. In the first meeting we now have three pirates and we need to define a route to…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.