It is time for us to demand change …


We are often a selfish race. As a society, we sometimes care more about the touch of a paper straw on our lips than the long-term damage that the plastic equivalent will do within our oceans, or in the energy it took to make and distribute them.

We think little about the destruction of our rainforests for palm oil for the sake of a smooth lipstick. Why? Just because it is all hidden away from us. We have created a factory world, and where we do not see what goes on in the factory, but only see the shiny new car at the end. We are driven by packaging, by advertising, by supermarkets, by branding … we have become a slave to the machine. We are tracked for our data, and it is our data that oils the machine — and sustains it.

It is an ever increasing cycle downwards. The machine learning that processes our data cares little about our deep beliefs and our ethics, and can only see us as identifiers on purchases. Most things, too, are driven for profit, even if it has a long-term effect on our world. If we don’t see the effects that our purchases have, we care little about them.

Sometimes it feels a bit like The Truman Show, where there’s a whole lot of things going on, that we just don’t see. Our world is created around us, for us, and to make us happy. But, if you saw a picture of tree of being chopped down in the rain forest for the…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.