It’s Old World v New World?

Maths v Law: The Greatest Challenge of the 21st Century?


Sometimes you worry that some politicians live in a world where everything is possible, and where the only thing that really matters is in the preservation of ‘the state’.

For them, the rights of the state will always overrule the individual rights of the citizen. In their ‘old world’ view, borders provide the delimitation of their world against others who live across the borders. But, in an Internet world, the whole concept of borders and operating within ‘the laws of the land’ have evaporated.

Every transaction we make on the Internet is bounded by a complex interconnection of laws and rights, and where cryptography, proxies, and routing overrule often any of our existing laws. While we can have border checks on in our physical world, and control the flow of goods and people, on the Internet, there is no such concept. But, before we implemented Tor, VPN tunnels and TLS, the nations of the world could perform a basic check on these flows, but these flawed protocols just opened-up a whole lot of crime.

Now, we aim to protect the citizen by building on a solid trust foundation, and where cryptography is used to stop snooping, modifying and impersonation.
No country in the world has actually mapped this new world into existing…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.