It’s medieval witchcraft, it’s genuinely medieval witchcraft


I get asked many times if I can decrypt someones files, and the answer is “Unless you have the encryption key, the answer is No”, “But surely you have a special tool?”, “No, I have no magic wand!”.

Medieval witchcraft

After attending so many talks on cyber security, where you feel scared to leave your home, and people talking on TV about cyber hackers, and scaring people, I loved a recent talk by Dr Ian Levy from GCHQ, and where he outlined …

…world-plus-dog were trying to flog security defenses to tackle “advanced persistent threats,” usually you see photos of hoodie-cloaked blokes poised over a keyboard with Matrix -style green lettering in the background. But such figures — seen as untouchable, unbeatable, and untraceable — are chimeras, and it’s just “ adequate pernicious toe-rags” who are doing the hacking

So while Dr Ian Levy was heckled by one attendee for plans to filter content, you really had to talk note of:

“We are allowing massively incentivised companies to define the public perception of the problem

Wow! Tell it like it is! And one of my favouriate quotes is …

“If you call it an advanced persistent threat, you end up with a narrative that basically says ‘ you



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.