Never Stop Questioning This World … It is Completely Amazing and Completely Flawed!


You should never stop learning.

You should never stop questioning our world.

You should always listen to other viewpoints, and make up your own mind on things.

For some reason we lose our child-like nature of questioning things. We perhaps lose it because we are taught methodology and get pumped full of knowledge, and which can take away our from simple questioning of things that we had as a child. We often just lose interesting in the beauty of science and technology, through a whole lots of boring talks at school. Our love of our digital world, just becomes the addition of a new feature our iPhone. The years of research and inspiration, just becomes another gadget for us to play with. When was the last time you questioned how Facebook manages to detect your face in a crowded room?

We increasingly take so much of the world around us for granted. For me, I really cannot understand how I can stand in a lift — a Faraday Cage — and still receive text messages from an antenna that is miles from me. I cannot persevere the work involved in linking my phone to three satellites and for my phone to pin-point my location. Unfortunately, in our modern world, Google seems to be taking over in providing our viewpoint of the world. We don’t need to understand how things work anymore because if we want to find out, Google will tell us. But we are only learning a little bit about our world, and we are not…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.