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On Global Encryption Day: A Practical Guide to Homomorphic Encryption


Yesterday was Global Encryption Day, so let’s look to the future, and one vision of the future is to encrypt all of our data — by default. Why can’t we have a Cloud environment where the original data is never actually revealed unless we really need to show it. If we just need to process it or just perform a test on it, why can we make sure our data is always protected by encryption?

A legacy data world

The data infrastructure we have has basically evolved through the evolution of a flawed device: the Intel 8086. Over the years, rather than starting again, we have just bolted on more and more, without really ever-changing much. At every turn, security has always been seen as an extra — and add-on — and there is little care about the last bastion of cybersecurity: the registers and the memory. In there, our secrets can be revealed in full sight. At one time it was just too difficult to examine the running contents of memory, but these days, most devices can be analysed for the code that is running on the machine, and for the contents of memory and registers.

And, unfortunately, the implementation of encryption within data structure has often been seen to be very. Data breach and data breach has shown that sensitive data is often not encrypted. So, do we need a new…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.