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Publishing in a Cybersecurity/Cryptography Conference: Which Are Best? Here’s AR, PR and CR


I know it’s an extreme viewpoint, but there is a some truth in this:

Link: [here]

While other industry may see sales targets, or customer engagement measures as PKIs; in research, we are often assessed in terms of the quality of our research outputs. This often relates to citation measures — and which can give a measure of the quality of a paper and its novelity/contribution. A poor quality paper can often lead to just a few citations, and where there is little interest in the methods proposed. A high impact paper, though, can gain 100s of citations within a relatively short time period. Overall, some of the best papers can gain 1,000s of citations, and often change the course and direction of research work — they make an impact.

And, so, one of the most confusing things for anyone new to research is where, when and what they should publish. Should they publish 10 papers in low-quality journals or one great paper in a high-quality venue? Well, a good deal of this relates to the peer review process, and the general impact of the venue. Many would say that many weak papers are now accepted in poor-quality…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.