Rust and Bulletproofs … Towards A More Trusted and Private Digital World


What’s the most secure and robust programming language around? Well, it’s most likely to be Rust. It is a programming language that does extensive checks on the code, and which tries to overcome the problems caused by C and C++. With Rust, you can still use pointers, but they are implemented in a robust way. So let’s implement a zero-knowledge method known as Bulletproofs in Rust, and see if we can demonstrate their operation.

A demo of the method we will illustrate is here:


We live in a 1980s viewpoint of data.

Very little of our data transactions and logs can be truly trusted. Along with this, we also reveal a great deal of information in the records that we keep.

We thus need to move to a more trusted world, and where we can trust each transaction, but make sure they are privacy-preserving. We now see cryptocurrencies rushing to protect the details of transactions — such as with Ethereum using zkSnarks, Monero implementing Ring Signatures and Bulletproofs, and Bitcoin looking towards Mimblewimble. Our ledger will thus increasingly look like an anomyised list of transactions, and where the sender, the receiver and the transaction…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.