Subject: Urgent: Need Help Getting Home


The cybersecurity industry could be sleepwalking into a massive wave of AI threats. When I attended a recent conference in Glasgow, many of the presentations could have come from five years ago, and where we were still talking about the same old threats.

While I appreciate that many of these threats have not gone away (e.g. spear phishing), we do need to prepare for a new onslaught, as the “You will spot a spear phishing email because it has poor spelling and bad grammar” methods have gone.

If we ask ChatGPT:

Write a message from Bob to Alice, and where Alice is Bob’s daughter and is stuck in a train station all alone at night and has missed the last train. Alice asks Bob for some money to get a taxi home.

We get a perfectly crafted message that is all ready to be sent to Bob:

And, ChatGPT can also generate this as an audio message.

This is serious now, and where a bot can produce over 80,000 perfectly crafted and unique pieces of text (targeted at the user) for less than $20.

And, for nice targetted graphics which entice you into the validity of you winning the Nigerian lottery? That just costs three cents to produce:

With a prompt of:

Write an email where Bob tells Alice that she is related to a deceased African prince and that she has inherited half of his estate and just needs to get in contact to claim it.

We then get:

A few examples are here:


Is your company interested in this? Well we have delivered a few training courses to local companies, and they went down so well, that hope to be rolling out more through FinTech Scotland.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.