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Talking About Jobs in “The Tech Industry” or in “The Cybersecurity Industry” Is Just Silly


I was listening to BBC Radio 5 this morning — yes, I do get up early — and they outlined that there were over two million tech jobs advertised in the UK last year, and which is more than any other sector. Overall, it is growing 6% per year.

But, the term “The Tech Industry” is a silly term, as it doesn’t actually mean anything. Mainly it is just a simple way to define a disparate set of jobs, such as for AI, Software Development, Cybersecurity, Cloud, … and so many more areas. In Cybersecurity, alone, NIST has defined there are 1,007 tasks, 374 skills, 630 knowledge areas, and 176 abilities. This leads to 33 speciality areas and 52 job roles. And this is one part of the “Tech industry”!

Overall, there are hundreds — if not thousands — of different types of jobs that relate to technology, and which have completely different skills, knowledge areas and job roles. Are we including IC designers, along with AI Developers and Cloud Architectures? In most areas, you can define a core of the specialism that you work in, such as that every electrical engineer will know Ohm’s Law, but what is the common knowledge area for the “Tech Industry”?

The use of the “Tech Industry” thus falls into the same trap of defining that there is such a thing as the…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.