The Miracl(e) of Crypto Pairing


I love receiving a new crypto library, and diving in to discover its hidden secrets. The latest one is MIRACL [here], and where we are collaborating with Professor Michael Scott, and who is one of the founding fathers of crypto pairs. As we share a passion for crypto pairing too, it is an easy collaboration for us. If you are interested, here is one of Michael’s recent papers [here]:

For us, too, it is a great industry/academia collaboration, and is especially useful as the library comes with many different languages. While our reseachers are looking at Rust implementations, I am keen on Go, as it matches well to C code, and can be compiled into an executable form.

And so one of the most amazing things about crypo pairing is that you can merge public keys into a single public key (W), and can also merge all the generated signatures from a message into a single signature (SIG). For this you might have a hundred public keys used, and would then have 100 signatures, and where each signature was signed by one of the 100 signers. This becomes a significant overhead in storing and processing the signatures.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.