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The Day I “Got” Public Key Encryption … Here’s The Mod Root


The day that I really got public key cryptography was when I realised why we used prime numbers and the modulus operation. Basically, we could perform any maths operation we wanted, and could then reverse it. So we could add:

c = a + b (mod p)

and which has the same result as:

c = a (mod p) + b (mod p) (mod p)

We could then multiply and reverse it with a divide (which is known as an inverse mod). Basically, we have a ring caused by the prime number (p), and where the values go between 0 and p-1. The laws that we then create are the Identity, Associated and Commutative laws:

Identity Law
a + 0= 5
0 + a= 5

Associate Law
a+(b+c)= 15
(a+b)+c= 15

Commutative Law
a+b= 27
b+a= 27

Identity Law
a * 1= 6
1 * a= 6

Associate Law
a*(b*c)= 13
(a*b)*c= 13

Commutative Law
a*b= 24
b*a= 24

These laws are normal in our maths, and where a*b is the same as b*a. You can learn more here:

If you don’t know it, the (mod) operation is the remainder from an integer division, and in cryptography, we are typically only interested in the remainder.

So, what about the root of a value (mod p)?



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.