The Internet is still one of the most amazing things that has ever been created


My adult years have involved interactions with computers, and I have saw their power grow over the years. From ZX 81s and IBM PCs, to processors that can fit on the end of your pinky.

I, too, watched the growth of the Internet from a screaming connection of my V.52 modem to AOL/Compuserve. I created Web pages which look so amateurish now:

I’ve analysed the protocols in detail, though the classics of IP, TCP, SMTP, POP, and all the other great standards that have build our modern world.

But last week, I hung my head in sorrow at the evil that the Internet can bring. And so the technology that I have loved for years, is — in places — turning bad. Evil people are streaming their hate live on YouTube. Face recognition software is spying on our citizens. There is mass surveillance of citizens. Countries of the world are adding back doors into cryptography. Cybercrime thrives on those who are most susceptible.

Even still, the Internet has been one of the greatest advances of our society and can bring great benefits to every single person on the planet. We are only just beginning to use it, and we now need to understand how we can build new democracies, and spread knowledge to every single part of this small planet. Trust, governance, privacy and consent must be at the core of everything that we create, otherwise our new world will collapse and those who adopt the Internet will turn away, as it becomes increasing used for bad.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.