The Most Amazing Machine on the Planet Isn’t a Machine

In data, we must find a bridge between our world and there’s


For every second of your existence on the planet, you have access to one of the most amazing machines ever created. And it isn’t an iPhone X, the Amazon AWS Cloud, the Ethereum blockchain, or the Tesla car, it is something a whole lot more intelligent … it is your brain.

Our computing world is now filled with machines which are trying to match our human brain, and focusing on single tasks such as face recognition, licence plate detection, and in tracking objects. There are masses of computing power going into self-driving cars, but driving a car is something we almost take for granted. But we can do them all, without even thinking about it. Imagine a world where you could not recognise your partner, just because they had shaved their beard off or had a haircut, or where you could not look at a photograph and recognise someone that you know. It all happens in our brain, and it is the thing that helps us survive and thrive.

We live in an analogue world and see light reflecting off the screen, and detect changes in colour and brightness. This allows us to see shapes, and then convert these into objects. Around a third of the human brain has a core function of analysing the things that we see — the visual…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.