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The Rebirth of VMWare?


Over the past decade (and more), we build our cloud-based cybersecurity platform using VMWare ESXi. We leant how to script the creation of classes, and how we could effectively use VLANs to isolate networks. It has all worked so well, and it’s the basis of a good deal of our advanced cybersecurity education. But, VMWare has a problem … the public cloud. For us, we do things in cybersecurity that requires a private cloud, along with requiring us to focus on CapEx, rather than the pay-as-you-go method of the public cloud.

But, the rise and rise of the public cloud will see the market for on-premise cloud-based systems reduce massively. The solution seems to be to run ESXi within a public cloud environment, and which perhaps defeats the whole point of using a public cloud. One advantage is that there is a single and dependable cost in running your cloud, and where you can tightly define your resources. But the cloud is so much more about all the other services that it brings, and just to throw all your systems into a big cloud blob is not the way to architect for the public cloud. In fact, a well-engineered cloud architecture will likely save money and resources over the blob-approach

So, what to VMWare do? Well, their collaboration continues with Amazon AWS on hybrid clouds, but their main focus must be to diversify some of the business away from the on-premise cloud towards ……



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.