The True Power of the Internet … Git


And, it was, in 2005, that Linus Torvalds wrote a program that freed developers from continually backing up all the source code files, and where we only recorded the updates between one version of source code and another. That program was the mighty Git, and now it is not just coding what can use Git, but virtually any content that needs some form of version control. And, so, I am getting my content ready for Semester 2, and I thank Git and not Moodle for keeping track of my content for the module.

GiHub and teaching

There’s a perception that GitHub is only for developers. This is not true. Personally, I think everyone should use GitHub. In fact, you could archive your own life in a private GitHub, and document every digital artefact you have created. When you finally leave the planet, you can leave your legacy. It would be a timeline of our digital footprint on this world, and people could see when we did things. And, so, if you invent things, a GitHub shows you a timeline of what you did and when. This can be useful in patent applications, where the person submitting an update can be defined as the owner of that update.

To me, Moodle is poor as a teaching tool. It is just so static in everything that it does, and where a proper educational infrastructure should use a git approach and where we can track different…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.