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Tom Saves MicroTails


Here’s a little fictional story …

As a Security Analyst at MicroTails, Tom’s day started in the usual way. He logged-in and viewed the trillions of alerts coming from systems all over the world. His current task was to monitor the new release of MicroTails’s new operating system: MT-OS 10. As it was a pre-release, Tom had a whole lot of new tools at his fingertip, and which analysed the alerts as they came in. Luckily, his trusted machine learning tools did most of the work for him, and for Tom, it was a matter of looking for things that either trigged lots of alerts, or were unusual — an anomaly. The machine could often spot standard patterns of things that were a problem, but it was Tom’s experience and skills that could truly spot things that had never been seen before. His eyes and brain were better than any piece of software ever created and could spot issues where most people would see garbled text. He didn’t quite understand how it happened, but he could spot a needle in a million haystacks.

But, something was different on this day. His eyes were primed on the scrolling alerts, but there was one alert that kept jumping out at him:

“Error in encryption. RSA decryption in error on object: X”.

Tom had been trained that anything to do with encryption was something that should be looked at. It was either a sign of a major…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.