Transferring $12.5 million into your account …


While ransomware has been hitting the headlines, the plain old spear phishing attack is still one of the most popular methods in tricking users. So today I received an email which said I just had to transfer $12.5 million into my account and I would gain half of it:

So I had to investigate further:

Here is the full text:

Dear  Buchanan, BillThanks for your quick response to my email and I am here to assure you
that this transaction will execute under legitimate without any RISK
until the fund release to you. With every good intention for our own
mutual benefit, I give more details and information about the legal
transaction all I need from you is trust and cooperation.
General Fund inheritance of $ 12, 500,000.00, and if you can stand in
as the next of kin to provide bank account for the transfer of the
inheritance fund I will offer you 50% of the total while I also will
be set 50% and 10% set aside for children's home less in your country
and my country.
Yes, you may or may…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.