What Makes A Good Research Paper? Making A Paper Look Right — Gestalt


If I have learnt one thing in writing, it is that the introduction is the most important part of any written output. It is there that you layout your thoughts and define why you are covering things. I also learnt that a diagram at the start really helps the reader place things in context. After reading many PhD thesis’, I know that the main weakness within them is that the Introduction says little about the work, which then often makes the thesis difficult. So let’s see some research work that possibly verifies this approach, and where diagrams early on in a paper help its acceptance within the peer review process.

A core part of being an academic is to publish papers. It is the thing that we are often measured on. When we recruit we often look at the quality rather than the quantity of someone’s research output. One good paper which contains a strong scientific contribution is often better than a whole lot of papers which add little to current work. Personally, as a reviewer, I most often reject papers with the following ordered list:

  1. Poor English and grammar.
  2. Lake of focus and no definition of the problem statement, and how paper addresses this.
  3. Little contribution to existing methods.
  4. Lack of definition of the key…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.