Where Power and Data Meet … A Happy or an Unhappy Marriage?


Have you ever inserted a power supply into a device with the (+) and (-) round the wrong way, and then blown up the device? Well, I have… many times. And so it would be nice if we had an adaptor which allows us to insert it in any way up.

And why do we need a separate power adaptor and a data one? Why not merge?

And why do I have a drawer fully of old power supplies for mobile phones and laptops that I don’t use any more?

So after years to searching for the power adaptor which be matched your laptop or your phone, the industry finally seem to be focusing in on a standard: USB-C. But are we opening-up a whole lot of problems? A new article on the BBC [here] opens-up the debate on the security risks, and whether manufactures are taking the risk seriously.

Security risk?

It was always going to end badly. Electrical power is the key element of any computer system, and the most important element, as no power, equals no IT. But the drive for miniaturisation has led to the power…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.