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Why Sign JSON Web Tokens From A Password When We Can Use RSA or ECDSA?


One of the most widely used token standards is JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

With this we have:

  • A header. This defines the token type (such as JWT) and the signing method that we will use.
  • A payload. This defines the main payload data, and is defined in a simple JSON format. This might include the user’s ID, their email address, and so on. The fields are flexible and can be created for any purpose.
  • A signature. This is either a public key signature (with RSA or ECDSA) or an HMAC signature (and which uses a given hashing method and a secret password).

The registered claim names are:

  • “iss” (Issuer). This identifies the issuer of the token.
  • “sub” (Subject). This defines the subject of the token.
  • “aud” (Audience). This defines the general audience for the token.
  • “exp” (Expiration Time). This defines the time that the token will expire.
  • “nbf” (Not Before). This defines the time that the token will start.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.