Winner Takes All … Welcome to the World of AI, and Health and Wellbeing


How will AI affect your health and well-being? Well, if you watched on the media, AI will bring forward a world of amazing medical advances, robotic vehicles that will stop road accidents, and kind bots that will help our kids do their homework.

But, and I repeat, how will AI affect your health and well-being? Well, you might be able to get better advice on your alments from ChatGPT than from the GP that takes weeks to get an appointment. But, if you lose your job to AI and have to rely on the state for a minimum wage, it might just affect you more than you think. And that’s you and many of the people who live in your street. The almost exponential rise in the power of AI looks unstoppable just now, and when Deep Learning moves into GAI (General Artifical Intelligence), we all need to be worried about our jobs. Welcome, to a new world of intellectual automation, and where you could be the target.

What is wellness?

It has been an honour to interact with Sir Harry Burns, and who outlined that “wellness” is not quite related to avoiding being ill, but to the general feeling of purpose in one’s life. A core part of this is for us to have “good jobs”, and to feel like we have a purpose in our lives:

An investment in good jobs in our society is possibly a better investment for the health and well-being of our citizens than an investment in a new hospital. Sir Harry Burns has pinpointed, in the past, that some of Glasgow’s health problems are actually related to the decay of shipbuilding in the city (and thus the loss of good jobs). Now, with the rise of AI, we might have to get used to the loss of “good jobs”, and where mass unemployment may become the norm.

The Decline of “Good Jobs”

Imagine that you could get the best legal advice in the world, or automate all of the accounting in your company? Sounds great? Well, not really, as your local accountancy and legal firm in your area has just closed down due to a lack of business.

“So what”, you say, “they have been taking my money for years, and now I press a button and it’s all there for me”. But, all those people who had good jobs paid tax, and this tax kept our schools open and paid for our teachers, their tax paid people to clean the streets, and their tax paid for health care professionals to look after you. Without “good jobs”, and the ability to make and do things that people want, our society will crumble.

If you listen to some politicians and the media, they can only see good things. A new way of scanning for cancer, or a new smart bus that drives itself. But for every new application, there’s likely to be jobs lost.

While many countries around the world dance around their bags on AI, the EU is, at least, making an effort to understand the key issues involved, and has published a series of papers on AI from Think Tanks [here]:

Intellectual monopolization and “Winner Takes It All”

Some predict that the disruption of AI will mean around 40–50% of all our jobs will be lost within the next few years and that the power of our world will be concentrated in just a few countries and companies. It is a “Winner Takes All” approach, and where it is China and the US are likely to be the winners. While the UK has a strong research base, the country does not do well in converting its research into the creation of new AI-focused companies. One of the papers presented in the Think Tank papers is one on the “Intellectual monopolisation on steroids” [here]:

The paper outlines, in a world of AI and Cloud Computing, the powerful tech companies will only get bigger and more powerful,

“Big Tech also monopolises code coproduced with scholars and developers to train AI models and turn them into marketable products. They offer all these digital technology pieces in their clouds. Amazon, Microsoft and Google possess over 65% of the world’s cloud computing business.”

and that:

“Social and economic progress will remain undermined unless these extreme forms of intellectual monopoly are dismantled.”

While universities and libraries have been at the core of our supply of intellect, the rise of AI could see the intellectal thought being concentrated into just a few companies in the world (eg Google, Microsoft and Amazon), and in a few contries of the world (China and US). While books and scholars have in the past driven intellectual through, it may focus on just a few power entities. These entities will get richer, and these excluded will be poor. And, it’s likely to be an exponential rise and fall. If Google pays tax in your area, you will do well, if not, your schools may lack funding. Once you start to reduce the investment in the next generation, your society will eventually fail.

US and China

So, how come the UK will not be a powerful leader on the world stage for AI? Well, the UK perhaps struggles to convert its excellent research base into companies which scale. There is often a lack of real investment and risk in high impact companies. The start-ups and spin-outs often lack the investment from venture capital companies, and are often easily picked-off by cash-rich tech companies. A good example of this is where the UK company of Deepmind was bought by Google in 2014, and which has since provided a core of Google’s advancement in AI [here]. At the time, it was Google’s largest investment in an EU comany.

And, what about the EU? Well, just like the UK, it is struggling, and while it invested heavily in R&D in the Horizon 2020 programme, it has (perhaps) failed to build next generation companies which are driven by AI. Overall, it though the markets were in 5G, health care and transport, but failed to see the rise of LLMs. And, so, the EU is struggling to know if it should drive innovation forward, or to regulate against it.

This paper highlights that the EU have possibility missed out on the rise of AI [here]:

With this, the investment in Generative AI seems to be moving very much towards US companies, with the investment in OpenAI and Anthropic dwarfing EU and UK investments:

Increasenly the EU are trying to constrain the “Magnificant Seven” (Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, Netflix, Google, Meta and Microsoft). This is done through Europe’s policies, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Digital Markets Act (DMA), and Digital Services Act (DSA). But, while GDPR is being used to restrict US and Chinese AI companies, it also restricts start-up companies in the EU in the things they can do.

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Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.