World-leaders in Cryptography: Jean-Philippe (JP) Aumasson


I am unashamed about my love of cryptography. I love its mathematical beauty. I love its near perfection, and often its sheer simplicity. I love how it protects our citizens from adversaries. I love how it creates digital trust. I love to break it. I love fixing it. I love its history and of the great people who have built its foundations. Okay, it can be naughty in the hands of bad people, but the research community has strived to be honest, open, and focused on protecting our citizens in their rights to privacy.

And, so, as part of our Applied Cryptography and Trust module at Edinburgh Napier University, I’ve been interviewing some of the people who dedicate themselves to building a more secure, resilient and trusted world.

And, this week it was the co-creator of the Blake 3 hashing method (JP Aumasson):

Jean-Philippe (JP) Aumasson is a true innovator in cryptography, and especially in the creation of fast, secure and lightweight hashing methods. He co-designed the BLAKE hashing method [here], and which is currently the fastest secure cryptographic hashing function:

Along with this, he worked with Daniel J Bernstein on SipHash [here]:

JP created the Cryptography Coding Standard. JP also created the Quark light-weight hashing method:

He is also the author of “Serious Cryptography: A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption” [here].

And wrote the “Too Much Crypto” paper [here]:

Here are some other interviews, if you are interested:



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.