Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Building A Truly Citizen Focused World Where You Own Your Data


In the future, Cyber Security professionals will truly laugh when they look back at the things that we have done over the past 40 years. They will exist in a distributed world and one which will respect the rights of privacy and consent. The Wild West of Data, where anyone could do anything they wanted with personal data, will have gone, and the rights of privacy and consent will be fully respected.

Our blind over centralisation of our data infrastructures and resources will also be gone, and be replaced by a truly distributed infrastructure which respects the ownership and the access rights for every single data element.

For us, now, we continue to do things that are plainly wrong, just because it is the way that we have always done things since the start of the Internet. We are basically fixing the leaks in our dam as we go, and never really fixing it. And we educate in the same old way we have done for over 40 years, without caring that we need to build a better world. Our currently security problems are caused mainly because we have built an infrastructure which is severely flawed.

Why? Because we often don’t want to change something that is working. That has always been our attitude to networks and the Internet. If it’s working, just leave it, as…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.