You’re A Professor of Crip — ology?


I was interviewed on LBC last week about NHSX App, and realised that some people in media struggle a bit “Cryptography”. When the editor called me she said

“How do you want to introduce yourself — you are a professor of crip-mm-graphy?”

“No, it’s cryptography”. And then the radio presenter:

“And so we have Professor Bill Buchanan, and who is a Professor of Crip-olology … oh, never heard that before”

Gulp! I had to correct again.

So, perhaps next time I might introduce myself as a Professor of Cybersecurity, and make things easier. Overall, though, I worried that the media — and the general public — possibly do not what cybersecurity is all about. We thus need to look at our industry and understand how we can better educate others on what we are all about.

At the present we are going through a recertification of our MSc programme, and the core knowledge areas are defined as:

That is the core — the fundamentals — the equivalent of Ohm’s Law of Cybersecurity. To do an MSc in Cybersecurity, you should be doing these subject. As a professional, too, these should be our…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.