Bob and Alice Become Socialists


And, so, Bob and Alice have made millions in cybersecurity, but have decided that they now want to be equal in their wealth — they have become millionaire socialists. But, one thing that Bob and Alice have learned in their time in cybersecurity, is that they can’t trust anyone. So, how can Bob and Alice check that they have the same money, without actually telling each other what their wealth is?

Well, this is based Yao’s Millionaire’s Problem, and where we can determine which of two millionaires has the most money, without them actually giving away the amount of money they have. But, in a socialist millionaire problem, we want to show that they have the same wealth.

Previously, I implemented this with discrete logs [1]:

So, now let’s try this with elliptic curve methods. With the socialist millionaire problem (SMP), we need to show that the two millionaires either have the same amount of money or not. First, the two millionaires (Bob and Alice) agree on a base point H.

Alice has a wealth of x and creates three random values: a, α, and r.

Bob has a wealth of y and creates three random values: b, β, and s.

Bob and Alice now have to prove that x and y are the same, without revealing their values.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.